Currently showing the exhibition:
Babel: APPocalypse
April 22nd - May 22nd, 2016
Worm/Ubik, Rotterdam

The Museum of Analogue Reality is a sci-fi theater experience in WORM / Ubik. Visitors enter the year 2095, in a vision of the future that is probably very different from what they imagined. When you buy a ticket, you are free to roam the museum. Come early, leave for dinner (lunch on sundays) and come back. Or stay the full four hours if you want. The Museum is never the same and especially lovely near closing time. Don’t let the future catch up with you, visit MOAR!

You can visit the museum from Apr 22nd – May 22nd in Ubik // WORM Rotterdam. Opening Hours: Friday and Saturday 17:00 – 21:00. Sunday 13:00 – 17:00.
Find us on facebook, twitter(@MacabreTC) and Instagram (@tcmacabre)

exhibition: BABEL APPocalypse

The Museum of Analogue Reality is currently showing: BABEL APPocalypse.

Within this ongoing project, artists Macabre and Studio Dennisvanderbroeck turned the beginnings of the 21st century into art. This exhibition is a fully immersive experience, meant to let you experience (and enjoy!) the analogue way of living. As the 21st century draws to a close and as we have now all spent several years within the cloud, the Museum of Analogue Reality feels it is our responsibility to #neverforget our origins within the physical world.



Kaarten voor MOAR zijn online en aan de deur te koop.

Ze kosten €5.

Online koop je ze HIER.

Met je kaartje krijg je toegang tot het museum gedurende onze openingstijden. We laten de laatste bezoekers 30 minuten voor sluitingstijd naar binnen.


Tickets for MOAR are available online and on location.

Price: €5 euros.

Buy them online HERE.

A ticket grants access during opening hours, no more entry after 30 mins. before closing.



The Museum of Analogue Reality is het eerste grote project in Ubik, de nieuwe ruimtes van WORM. Je vindt ons op de Boomgaardsstraat 69, een zijstraat van de Witte de Withstraat in Rotterdam.

Voor meer informatie check de website van WORM.


The Museum of Analogue Reality is the first big project in Ubik, WORM’s new space on the Boomgaardsstraat 69, a side street to the Witte de With.

For more information, check WORM’s website.

Made possible by:


The Museum of Analogue Reality is een project van Theatercollectief Macabre, onder artistieke leiding van Milou Brockhus en Lois Timmermans.


Scenografie: Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck
Visuals: NMNNAT
Sound design: Eric Magnée
Light design: Paul van Laak
Production: BIG – Bureau Ivo Gort
Graphic design : Studio Dolour
Website design: Stayuplate
Public relations: Nikki Kamps

Today is February 13, 2095
last chance to visit the museum: may 22nd
opening night
celebrate PKW Day @ MOAR
presenting our opening hours